#1990s bath and body works hand gel
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 4 months ago
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Bath and Body Works Vanilla Walnut Instant Anti Bacterial Hand Gel
late 1990s
Found on Ebay, user where_to_shop
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lostinthewoods-kristoff · 5 years ago
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Kristoff Eindride Bjorgman Character Sheet
Birthday — December 31, 1990 Zodiac Sign — Sagittarius MBTI — ISTJ Enneagram — 9 Temperament — Phlegmatic Hogwarts House — Hufflepuff Moral Alignment — Neutral Good Primary Vice — Envy Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Earth
Mother — Anna Bjorgman (née Olsen) Father — Ole Bjorgman Mother’s Occupation — translator, with knowledge of Sàmi, Swedish, Danish and English Father’s Occupation — Park ranger at Hardangervidda National Park Family Finances — comfortable bit not particularly wealthy Birth Order — oldest Brothers - none Sisters — Freya, 12 years younger, and Agnetha, 14 years younger Other Close Family — The Stone trolls! Best Friend — He doesn’t have one :( Other Friends — The Stone trolls! Enemies — All humans Pets — None, but growing up he had a dog called Kipper and the trolls kept bringing him little baby badgers and deer and things and he just kept calling all of them kipper Home Life During Childhood — serene honestly like he grew up in a valley between two mountains, he spent all of his time outdoors playing, he got to spend a lot of time out in nature Town or City Name(s) — he was born in Oslo, but they moved to Odda for his dather’s work when he was very little Any Sports or Clubs — He played ice hockey and his mam was teaching him to play the guitar Favorite Toy or Game — Schooling — he never went to school! He was too little when he went missing Nationality — Norwegian Culture — uhhh Stone Troll? Religion and beliefs — None
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Boyd Holbrook Complexion — paler 👏🏻 than 👏🏻 pale 👏🏻 Hair Colour — himbo blonde Eye Colour — listen Boyd’s eyes are blue but kristoff’s brown eyes are so important to me so we aren’t talking about it Height — 6’2 Common Hairstyle — sort of long-ish like longer enough to get into his face and v floppy he only discovered scissors like a decade ago Clothing Style — comfy and warm in the winter, comfy and cool in the summer. Fairly basic boring clothes to be honest Mannerisms — mumbles to himself a lot! has a habit of whistling songs the tolls taught him. Yikes face constantly.
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — he’s probably had a few colds and sniffles since coming to swynlake tbf Physical Ailments — none Allergies —  None Grooming Habits — oh you wanna talk grooming habits with a man who is essentially a yeti? Honestly even tho he probably really enjoys a hot shower after years of bathing in a freezing cold river all that water probably still feels super wasteful so he’s deffo an every few days kinda guy, and yes he is also a seven-in-one conditioner-shampoo-shower gel-lotion-toner-toothpaste-hair removal cream kinda guy why have lots of bottles when you can have one (1) Sleeping Habits — a surprisingly heavy sleeper for someone who lived in the open, but then maybe that’s because he had the trolls to protect him (and also they wouldn’t shut. up.) Eating Habits — eating CONSTANTLY the best thing and one of the only good things about living in town is FOOD what the hell is a cronut and why isn’t there one in his hand right now but honestly lots of fruit and veggies surprisingly healthy Exercise Habits —  he treks in the woods like for a living I guess that’s it Body Temperature — warm always big tall radiator Sociability — he’s trying but it’s early days 3/10 Addictions — none Drug Use — what is a drug Alcohol Use — I figure he once found like a bottle of whiskey or smth in a backpack im the woods one day when he was like 11, took a sip and was like ew and that’s been it ever since
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — being moody af, constantly distrustful, and also nail chewing, and whistling too that’s annoying Good Habits — thoughtful!! Fixes things without being asked, helps old ladies cross the street Worst Memory — probably getting dragged out of the woods by the rescue team when he was 16; the trolls were his family by then and had been for longer than he’d known his birth family so he would’ve been traumatised by getting pulled away from them like that Best Memory — I think probably a more bittersweet memory, one he looks on as being positive is the trolls finding him when he’d gotten lost Proud of — himself, for making it this far Embarrassed by — everything and nothing he’s a complex dude Driving Style — awfully good. Not like *posh British accent* “awfully good” like “he’s simultaneously good at this and going to get us all killed”. He was taught by a farmer one summer so whilst he can’t legally drive, he can actually drive pretty well, but he goes very fast and he doesn’t believe in checking mirrors Strong Points — independent but deeply caring about the people he loves, very resourceful Temperament — he can be quite moody at first but he’s very Soft once you get to know him Weakness — again he can be quite moody and he also pushes people away a lot he isolates himself even if he doesnt necessarily want to be isolated!! Fears — being completely on his own Phobias — enclosed spaces Secrets — i guess he doesn’t have any?? He was like Big News at one point so I guess people know his business Regrets — I honestly don’t know? Like maybe sometimes he regrets not being around for his younger sisters but honestly he does Not regret leaving his family sooo Feels Vulnerable When — he’s not in the forest/with the trolls Pet Peeves — People talking loudly in public places/generally being rude in public places Short Term Goals and Hopes — get a job, make sure he can hold a roof over his head Long Term Goals and Hopes — manage to live in town and be less of a strange in between yeti mam Sexuality — he doesn’t know yet!! He’s never really bwen part of society he doesn’t really know what sexuality is!! He’s had a few Experienxes in the past (he has had his first kiss and that is It) but he needs to learn! Day or Night Person — day Introvert or Extrovert — introvert king Optimist or Pessimist — pessimist tbh
Likes and Styles:
Music — he likes cheesy old 80s songs he remembers them from when he was little and he’s been rediscovering it now, loves it Books — he’s a pretty slow reader so he doesn’t really have any favourite books. But he has a lot of favourite stories that the trolls told him! Magazines — again he’s a real slow reader but he loves those magazines you get from the supermarket that are like,, free and have loads of recipes and shit in Foods — all the foods. All the big ones. Loves ‘em. Will put literally anything in a sandwich because society has not taught him what is and is not acceptable to slap between two slices of bread Drinks — he complains that tap water in town tastes wrong but he’s taking a real liking to coffee, love that shit Animals — all of them!!!!! They’re better than people!!! Color — green and/or blue Jewellery — he doesn’t actually have any jewellery but he does have lots of really cool pebbles that his stone troll fam gave him
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — he lives in benbow now in one of the ground floor apartments and he’s still getting used to it Household furnishings — minimalist af the only furniture he has is what was in the place when he got it so it isn’t much but there’s lots of decoration!! Lots of trinkets!! Favorite Possession — the aforementioned rock collection Relationship with Family — he’s still very close with the trolls, even though he’s living in town now. He misses them a lot!! As for his biological family he doesn’t ever rlly think about his parents but he does think about his sisters every so often he wishes he knew what was going on with them Car — be doesn’t have one but he would like one! Career — is there a word for someone who goes and gets things from the forest for a Price Dream Career — I think he’d like to do smth in nature he honestly isn’t too sure Dream Life — honestly I don’t know, and I don’t think he knows either!! Love Life — nonexistent lmfaoooo Talents or Skills — survival skills? Puts Bear Grylls to shame. Singing voice of an angel.  Intelligence Level — honestly like he’s fairly smart just not Book Smart Finances — get this man a full time job STAT
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thev2magzine-blog · 6 years ago
Sudden hair thinning – Everything you want to know about it
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Hair is a thread like extension emerging from the body. It acts as an insulating device and also protects the head from much damage. Hair has become a matter of utmost importance nowadays. This is large because of increasing complaints of hair loss, balding and hair thinning. Keen observation reveals that this has been so since the beginning of the 1990s. Why so, you may wonder? Since then, mankind's lifestyle choices have taken a drastic change. The food we eat, the jobs we work and the gadgets we use have all turned back on us. The lack of nutrition in what we eat; the stress resulting from the jobs we dedicate ourselves to; the radiation emitting from the gadgets we use. So much more are the cause of hair thinning and hair loss. So before we understand how to treat this epidemic called hair thinning, first we need to understand its origin and etiology. Related: Understanding And Treating Diffuse Hair Loss This article seeks to explore the following: 1.    What is hair thinning? 2.    What causes Sudden hair thinning? 3.    How to stop sudden hair thinning? All set? Now let’s jump into this article and hope that it answers the most pressing of our doubts. 1.    What is hair thinning? But first, it is important to understand that while both are being used synonymously, they are in fact two separate conditions. Hair loss refers to the decrease in the number of hair attached to the scalp. It is also medically known as ‘alopecia’. On the other hand, hair thinning is hair loss that generally occurs with age and results in fewer, weaker and smaller hair follicles. While hair loss is generally a common event in the life cycle of hair, it is essential to understand that if hair loss or hair thinning occurs suddenly and excessively, it may be due to a medical hair condition. 2.    What causes sudden hair thinning? Hair thinning may be due to the following causes. But before we delve into those facts first let us take time to understand the hair life cycle. The hair life cycle consists of 3 major stages, they are: a) Anagen- It is the stage during which hair is in an active state of growth. b) Catagen- It refers to hair growth that is transitional. c) Telogen- it is known as the resting phase and at the end of it, hair falls out and is replaced by new hair. Related: Hair Loss Due To Stress Hair thinning causes include: •    Involutional alopecia- It refers to the natural condition in which hair thins due to age. •    Androgenic alopecia- It is also known as pattern baldness. It is a genetic condition characterized by hairline receding and the gradual disappearance of hair from the frontal scalp and the crown of the head. It commonly affects both genders. •    Alopecia areata- It refers to the sudden and patchy loss of hair in youths and children. •    Alopecia Universalis- It refers to the fall of all body hair, even pubic hair, and eyelashes. •    Telogen effluvium- It is the most common cause of hair thinning over the scalp caused by a large portion of hair suddenly entering the telogen, or resting, phase resulting in hair thinning or shedding. •    Scarring alopecia- It refers to the condition caused by inflammatory skin disorders. These threaten to destroy the hair follicles and hence prevent the ability of hair to regenerate. •    Trichotillomania- It is a psychological disorder in which one, usually children, pulls one’s hair out. Related: Excessive hair shedding and how to deal with it Other non-medical causes of hair thinning include: a) Excessive hairstyling and increased strain on hair can cause hair thinning. Hot combs and trying hair in tight braids and ponytails can also cause permanent hair loss. This elongated hair cells causing them to tear and break off. b) Stress is a major factor that contributes to increasing the rate of hair thinning and hair loss. c) Hair loss may also be comorbid to a medical disease such as cancer or autoimmune diseases. d) Hair loss may also be due to increased exposure towards heat and radiation. e) Hair thinning may also be caused when exposed to certain toxic chemicals or chemical treatment, such as chemotherapy. These are the most common causes of hair thinning. 3.    How to stop sudden hair thinning? Before we search for treatment strategies and remedies for hair growth, it is essential that we focus on preventive strategies against sudden hair thinning. The following strategies can help prevent further hair loss from occurring: a) Hair can be massaged softly, but never put much strain on hair. b) Avoid the use of chemical hair products. c) Never comb while hair is wet as wet hair is much more susceptible to breakage. d) Focus on reducing stress. This can be done by providing enough time for rest and by engaging in healthy distractions. e) Avoid the right hairstyles. f) Avoid excessive usage of headgears, such as caps, hats, and helmets. One can protect his / her hair by following the above strategies obediently. Next, up, natural remedies for overcoming hair thinning and hair loss are: •    Oil therapy: Oil therapy is the most common and best method for treating hair thinning. Olive oil, Coconut oil, and Almond oil can be used in this therapy. Hair needs to be applied every night and then allowed to set overnight. It is then washed off the next day morning. •    Apple cider vinegar treatment: Apple cider vinegar solution needs to be applied on the scalp and hair using a brush. This can be applied twice a week. It strengthens hair and makes it appear glossy. •    Lemon juice hair bath: Lemon juice, rich in citric acid and vitamins, enriches the health of the hair follicles and also helps prevent dandruff. •    Onion juice hair bath: Onion juice when applied on hair, followed by a hair wash, helps to promote hair growth and prevent hair fall. •    Aloe vera gel therapy: Apart from being the best natural remedy for dandruff, aloe vera gel promotes the strength of hair follicles and its growth. Conclusion: In case none of the above techniques work out, the wisest choice would be to consult with a trichologist. Read the full article
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 5 months ago
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Bath and Body Works Plumeria Mini Gift Set
late 1990s-2002
Found on worthpoint.com
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 4 months ago
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Bath and Body Works Chuckleberry Instant Anti Bacterial Hand Gel
late 1990s
Found on Ebay, user where_to_shop
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 6 months ago
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Bath and Body Works Art Stuff Berry Go Round Bit-O-Glitz Anti Bacterial Hand Gel
Found on Ebay, user Tiffany's Home
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 5 months ago
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Bath and Body Works Country Apple Anti Bacterial Deep Cleansing Hand Gel
late 1990s-early 2000s
Found on Ebay, user paul2cool
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 6 months ago
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what an interesting find!! I rarely see this. but it sold already
Bath and Body Works Art Stuff Melon Mania Bit-O-Glitz Anti Bacterial Hand Gel (whoever bought it got everything in the second picture too, good for them!!! )
Found on Ebay, user Tiffanyshome
@goldie-1996 I love when I find scents that people on here have told me they like!
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 4 months ago
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Bath and Body Works Woodland Instant Anti Bacterial Hand Gel
late 1990s
Found on Ebay, user sophianina
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 5 months ago
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Bath and Body Works Refreshing Garden Mint and Warm Vanilla Sugar Instant Anti Bacterial Hand Gel
late 1990s-early 2000s
RGM on Poshmark, user DamianDarian
WVS found on Ebay, user *toot*zeta*jones*
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 3 months ago
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dammit I've been looking for this and I found it but it already sold! good for whoever got it though
Bath and Body Works Tangerine Spice Instant Anti Bacterial Hand Gel
late 1990s-early 2000s
Found on Mercari, user makeupwithmarie
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 4 months ago
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Bath and Body Works Country Apple Instant Anti Bacterial Hand Gel
late 1990s
Found on Ebay, user sophianina
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 4 months ago
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Bath and Body Works Juniper Breeze Instant Shimmer Anti Bacterial Hand Gel
late 1990s
My personal picture of my collection
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 5 months ago
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Bath and Body Works Plumeria Instant Shimmer Anti Bacterial Hand Gel
mid-late 1990s
Found on Ebay, user msherr1
I loved these!!! This packaging is so nostalgic to me! I remember using the Juniper Breeze, Country Apple and Cucumber Melon in 5th grade (1998-1999ish).
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 5 months ago
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Bath and Body Works Country Apple Instant Anti Bacterial Hand Gel and Special Edition Country Apple Instant Anti Bacterial Hand Gel
mid 1990s-1999 (it says they expired in 1999)
Found on Mercari, user Samantha McCombs DiP
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y2kbeautyandother2000sstuff · 5 months ago
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Bath and Body Works Mango Mandarin and Plumeria Anti Bacterial Deep Cleansing Hand Gel
late 1990s-early 2000s
MM found on Mercari, user Lakehouse Treasures
Plumeria found on Pinterest, no user name
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